Nepali Video Design/ Artist Sujana dhakal Frist Photoshoot was taken By ArtistNepal.Com. studio was Tasveer, Photo By Shiva Lal, Make was done By Srijana karki Shrestha. Picture posture concept and also Choreography By Nava Dhungel.
Babi believes, the sexiest part of her body is her boob. She likewise get compliments regarding them being sexy by a lot of people. Babi is also modern-day in regards to her view on @. She thinks, grown-up people need it and it's normal on mutual understanding. She claims, marital relationship shouldn't be a prerequisite.
In her motion picture. she had actually done an actual lip kiss-- the scene called for by the tale. She considers herself competent in kissing, based on her encounter with her boyfriend. C